Mark Roman Miller


I am looking for PhD students to join my lab at IIT, and Illinois Tech is hiring professors at all levels. Please reach out to me if you are interested in either.

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. I study virtual and augmented reality from the perspectives of communication, security, and data science. My interdisciplinary roots come from my time in between computer science and communication as a PhD student advised by Jeremy Bailenson in the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford University.

There are new communication opportunities and challenges for augmented reality. Throughout time, one of the evergreen uses of media is person-to-person communication. New challenges and opportunities arise with the use of AR. What happens when your face is blocked by a virtual-popup in someone else’s view and you don’t know it? Communication involves a shared world - common ground, to use the technical term - and if the various augmentations we hare aren’t shared, will communication work differently? On the other hand, where can augmentations help us communicate more effectively?

Virtual and augmented reality devices mediate a virtual world to a user. While there a lot of research on the display side of these devices, the opportunity (or threat?) of regular use motivates me to study the wide range of data these devices collect. On the data science side, this data is great for scientific insights into some traditionally difficult problems, like emotion expression and nonverbal synchrony. On the security side, this data can be quite identifying, posing risks to users’ privacy.

I’m happy to discuss my research and topics related to it. Reach out to me at mmiller30 -at- iit -dot- edu.

Selected Publications

  1. A Large-Scale Study of Proxemics and Gaze in Groups
    Mark Roman Miller, Cyan DeVeaux, Eugy Han, Nilam Ram, and Jeremy Bailenson
    Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2023
  2. People, places, and time: a large-scale, longitudinal study of transformed avatars and environmental context in group interaction in the metaverse
    Eugy Han, Mark R Miller, Cyan DeVeaux, Hanseul Jun, Kristine L Nowak, Jeffrey T Hancock, Nilam Ram, and Jeremy N Bailenson
    Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2023
  3. a0380e0d-f48e-33ed-94c0-27f2681c7bcf.png
    Synchrony within Triads using Virtual Reality
    Mark Roman Miller, Neeraj Sonalkar, Ade Mabogunje, Larry Leifer, and Jeremy Bailenson
    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2021
  4. Personal identifiability of user tracking data during observation of 360-degree VR video
    Mark Roman Miller, Fernanda Herrera, Hanseul Jun, James A Landay, and Jeremy N Bailenson
    Scientific Reports, 2020
  5. Stimulus sampling with 360-videos: Examining head movements, arousal, presence, simulator sickness, and preference on a large sample of participants and videos
    Hanseul Jun, Mark Roman Miller, Fernanda Herrera, Byron Reeves, and Jeremy N Bailenson
    IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2020
  6. Social interaction in augmented reality
    Mark Roman Miller, Hanseul Jun, Fernanda Herrera, Jacob Yu Villa, Greg Welch, and Jeremy N Bailenson
    PLoS one, 2019